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2022 May 12

Local research shows that TCM could help in the early treatment of early to moderate cases of dry eyes

2022 May 12

The rise of dry eye disease amid the pandemic, what should we know about it?

On Health Suites, the neverending exposure to digital screens have very real eye health consequences - among them, dry eye disease, which may sound rather mild, but can be a serious condition! Melissa Hyakspeaks to Professor Louis Tong, Principal Clinician Scientist & Head of the Ocular Surface Research Group, @ Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), and Senior Consultant, Corneal & External Eye Disease Department, @ Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) and Dr Pat Lim is Head, TCM Ophthalmology Department, Chief Physician and Board Vice Chairman, Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution (SCHMI),to find out more.

2022 May 11

Research findings point to Traditional Chinese Medicine as increasingly viable option for managing common dry eye

· Researchers’ study found that acupuncture across four weeks leads to favourable changes in protein levels in tear fluids
· Clinical trial by Singapore Eye Research Institute and Chung Hwa Medical Institution to recruit peri- and post-menopausal women to evaluate efficacy of herbal remedies in treating dry eye
